ACL Waivers and Trust Funds


Funding State Brain Injury Programs: A Primer on State Brain Injury Trust Fund and Medicaid HCBS Programs

This primer serves as a resource for State Brain Injury Trust Fund and Medicaid HCBS Programs.


State Government Assistance and Supports

Use this handout to advocate for funding for TBI programs within a State


Building State Service Delivery for Individuals with Brain Injury: Identifying Funding Streams and Resources (.pptx)

This powerpoint discusses incentives for state government to offer services for individuals with brain injury, provides an overview of funding services and resources to support service delivery, and provides tips for pursuing funding.


Building State Service Delivery for Individuals with Brain Injury: Identifying Funding Streams and Resources (.pdf)

This is a .pdf file of the above powerpoint that discusses incentives for state government to offer services for individuals with brain injury, provides an overview of funding services and resources to support service delivery, and provides tips for pursuing funding.


SCRIPT for Building State Service Delivery for Individuals with Brain Injury: Identifying Funding Streams and Resources

Use this script with the powerpoint presentation above.